Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Miracle Kids: Sonny on the left and Kinstonon the right (Dale and Jodie Lambert's grandsons)

It was a miralcle for him to survive getting to the hospital after a television set fell on his head and fractured a significant portion of his skull. Today he is walking a bit on his own.

God's Grace is Amazing Still! Keep praying for his ongoing recovery and for God to use this miracle to reveal to others that God is still on His throne and that He truly is Jehovah Rapha - The Great Physician.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Welcome to our newest BSBC family members.
Jackie and Kathleen Clifton
May God Richly Bless You and Your Family

Pastor David Prell and the entire BSBC Family.
Praise God! From Stacie and Zack Carlock

Stacie Carlock our own walking miracle, one week after her automobile accident, worshipping God with her church family.

Thank you Jesus for your Grace and welcome home.

From Stacie:

God is still in the miracle making business! He worked an incredible miracle in my life last Tuesday I was driving through Otis on my way to the hospital for clinicals last Tuesday morning, when I collided with a semi truck. Going an estimated 60mph, I drove into the back of the truck. I don't remember anything, and I'm thankful for that. We are still waiting for the police report to help us understand what happened. What I will share with you are feelings that I've had and things I've been told by people who were there that morning.

Fortunately my husband was on his way home from work and came upon the crash site just minutes after it had happened. At that point, there were witnesses that had stopped and one man was at my car, checking on me to see if I was okay. He wasn't getting any response from me. 1-2 minutes had passed before Zack came to me. He found no pulse and said I wasn't breathing. I know God was there with me, holding me. I believe there was some sort of dialogue going on, and God was instructing me/allowing me to live. At that point, Zack released my seat belt to begin CPR. That's when I took a breath.

Hebrews 11: 1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." This is a powerful verse that helped my husband through some very hard times.

A good friend of mine responded to the call. EMS arrived within a few minutes. Everyone did an excellent job and I am so grateful. Once they got me to the ER, because I was so agitated/combative, they intubated me (put a breathing tube in) and sedated me. Within a couple of hours, I was transferred to UMC, Lubbock, TX where I had surgery to repair my fractured skull. That was the most significant of my injuries. I have a few abrasions and bruises, but overall, I'm doing incredibly well...thanks to God! He worked out every last detail, and I'm so grateful. God is good. I live because of Him. I can't wait to see what He has in store for my life.

I want to share my story with as many people as will listen! We serve a mighty and powerful God! Have you trusted God to be the Lord and Savior of your life? If you haven't, now is the time! Or maybe you have, but you've drifted away, now is the time to make it right with God! He is always there, waiting for us to ask Him for anything that we need.

Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

You don't know when your time will run out. Make right what needs to be made right. Say what you've been meaning to say to that person in your life. Be thankful, be kind.

I am forever grateful for those that voiced prayers on my behalf and for my family. I felt every single one! Thanks to everyone who gave of themselves to help us during this difficult time. I appreciate all of the kind words, the emails, the phone calls, the flowers, the chocolates and the meals. Thank you for your care, concern, and your love. I thank God for you guys! There really aren't enough words!!! If you will, please continue to pray for me as I recover and also for my husband, Zack. He's having to deal with the images that remain in his mind, I don't want them to continue to haunt him. Thank you.

Feel free to share this email if you feel led. Have a blessed day and please read Romans chapter 5. Powerful stuff. Love you guys! God Bless you and keep you.

Stacie Page Carlockome Stacie and Zack.