Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sunday was another great day at Blodgett St. Baptist Church. Six new believers were baptized into our fellowship including Kimberly Huett, (left - baptized by Dick Means) Desirey Lindley (right).
Josh (left) and Sarah (right)                
                    were baptized and remained in the baptistry to witness the baptism of two of their sons,

                                                           Ty (left) and Luke (right).         

     (Double-click to enlarge.)
We want to welcome the newest member of our family into the world. Jayden Michael was born at 1:37pm on Dec. 11, 2009, 8lbs 2oz and 20" long. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and continued support for Katey and our family. Jayden is now home and doing great. Even though Jody and I don't seem old enough to have a grandson we are proud of Jayden and grateful to all of you for your encouagement and help.

God Bless All of our Church Family,
Bro. David, Jody, and Katey

(Double Click on Picture to Enlarge)

Sunday Morning was an exciting day in the Lord. We saw six people baptized and still have three to be baptized.
We baptized Josh and Sarah Asbury and two of their boys. Ty and Luke with the family looking on in the baptistry. Desirey Lindley was baptized by Bro. David into Christ's family. Dick Means baptized Kimberly Huett into the family of Christ at BSBC as well.
We want to welcome these new members to our family as we continue to praise God and serve Him until He comes to receive His Church.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, December 6th we we was God's hand at work in many ways. Following a tremendous worship service with a number of decisions for the Lord an Ordination Council convened and affirmed the selection of six new deacons. These new servant leaders were elected and ordained by the congregation Sunday evening followed by a fellowship "eatin meetin." New deacons from left to right are John Willmore (Alan Lacy, Deacon Chairman) Sam Christensen, Ruben Andrade, Eric Cook, Floyd Bevers, (Lavoy Schierholt, Vice Chairman) and Ted Lewis. We are grateful to God for providing these godly men to serve the Lord along side our staff and congregation.

Let me introduce you to our newest family members. Steven Willier trusted Christ as Savior and Lord and will be baptized soon. Pictured with his mom and dad (Amber and Mike) and his two little brothers, Mark and Matthew.

(Top Right) Desirey Lindley trusted Christ as her Savior and will be baptized as well. She is pictured with her children Lisa, James, and Henaesie. David had to work and is not pictured.

(Bottom) Nolie Hammond has become a member of our family and will be baptized with his sister (Sarah Asbury) and her husband and family.

(Not Pictured) Kimberly Huett has trusted Jesus and will be baptized into our fellowship also.

God continues to pour His abundant blessing out upon BSBC and our community. Praise Him for His Greatness!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What a precious family. The Asbury family will be baptiszed into the BSBC family very soon. Josh, Sarah, Ty and Luke Hammett and Masun have all trusted Christ as Savior and Lord and we will continue to pray for little Miley and know she will be raised in a Christ-centered home.

We want to welcome Joana Wells to our fellowship. You can see from the picture that she has many friends and family in our congregation already. Please pray for her and her family as we serve and worship the Lord together.

Congrats Again!

Welcome to the newest gradbaby in the Patteson household. Kipper and Traci honored Grandpa Terry and Granny Karen with a new little girl. Swayzee Kae (6lbs. 9oz. 18") joins Addysen Rae as the newest member of the Folmar family. (Granny Karen is hiding from the camera!)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Welcome to our newest family members. We are delighted to have George and Charlotte Brewer and Courtney Good join our fellowship. I trust that you will all get to know them and help them to get to know you better as we serve and worship the Lord together.