Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jesus has transformed and is transforming the life of one more of His Chosen ones. Sarah Crawford has trusted Jesus to be her Lord and Savior and will be baptized this Sunday, January 17th. Please pray for her and for her family in this new part of their eixciting journey in Christ.

Welcome to our new members! Doyle joined to "officially" become a part of our family though he has been our dear brother and co-laborer for many years.
David Lindley joined his wife, Desirey, in becoming a part of BSBC and we are also exited to have the blessing of their three children as a part of our Children's Church and fellowship; Lisa, James, and Henasie

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

David & Alison Celebrate 12 Years

We want to congratulate Bro. Dave and Alison on twelve years of wedded bliss. We are grateful as a church family to have them as the Lord's choice servants ministering to our families.

We also want to wish them many more wonderful years together loving God and loving each other.

God Bless You and Happy Anniversary!