Friday, January 28, 2011

Souper Bowl of Caring

Welcome to Souper Bowl of Caring!
Last year more than 260,000 young people across the nation worked together in the weeks before and on the Sunday of the Super Bowl football game to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities.

They collected $10 million in dollars and food for local hunger-relief charities. They donated 100% of their donation directly to the local charity of their choice, then reported it to Souper Bowl of Caring to be included in the national total.

This year's goal is $11 million collected for hunger-relief charities in local communities. Help us grow this grassroots movement and tackle hunger in America!

Our Donations Collected Sunday, Febraury 6th will go to the
Carlsbad Community Kitchen

Thanks in advance for your faithful  giving to help those with less.

Breanna, James, Lori, RC, Amber, and Jim, Tim

Desert Reign will be with us Sunday Evening March 27th at 6:00pm.
A Love offeing will be taken to help keep Desert Reign ministering around the world.
Nursey will be provided at no cost.

Suzy Gayle -- Sunday Night Feb. 6th @ 6pm

In January 1994 my life was forever changed as I lost my only daughter to gun suicide. Going through the stages of grief and realizing that I became a member of a club that I did not ask to be a part of, God started working on my heart. After 31/2 years of a caring lady feeding me a spoon full of love a day, I was ready to reach out to others. In 1998 I went to work for "Holy Highway,"which is a program for teenage girls and boys that are in trouble with the law, or are unable to live at home. They are at risk children needing love, understanding, and guidance. It was an enlightening and gratifying experience. In December of that year I returned to New Mexico.

The following year God called me to share my story through song and testimony. I stepped out into full time ministry never looking back and trusting God in all things.

Suzy ministers to people with her voice through country Christian music.  Her ministry has touched many people, especially throughout Texas, New Mexico and Colorado and even into Arizona, Oklahoma and Missouri.

Levite Choir from Korea

Dr. Lee and the Levite Choir

God has blessed the Levite choir with many gifted
 and talented people. Young and old led us to
worhip God with instrument and voice.

Thanks to Dr. Lee  and the Levite Choir for the great time of worship.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Attention Fun Loving Ladies!

Christian Line Dancing Fellowship
*What: Easy Line Dance Class
Great for Exercise and Wonderful Fellowship
*When: Every Second Tuesday Night of the Month
Tuesday, January 11th
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
*Where: Blodgett Street Baptist Church
Fellowship Hall
 *Bring: Your own Beverage and Snack
*Led By: Candy Westrich and Vickie Davis